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Mt. Ararat Middle School

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Principal's Welcome

principal megan hayes teague

Principal Megan Hayes Teague


Dear Mt. Ararat Middle School Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Mt. Ararat Middle School (affectionately called MAMS). Located in Topsham, Maine, our school provides a proficiency-based, learner-centered education for students in grades six through eight in which a feeling of hope and engagement is fostered by clear expectations, learning from mistakes, and positive relationships. We work to support the whole child: from academics and academic intervention to social and emotional well-being to physical wellness, our amazing faculty understands the unique needs of the middle school learner. 

When students enter Mt. Ararat Middle School, they move from one of five neighborhood elementary schools to our district’s larger, regional middle school. As sixth graders, they will shift their perspective from their individual town identities to become a future graduating class of Mt. Ararat. The opportunity to welcome a new graduating class for the first time is so special. It’s a very positive part of the transition process to our middle school–and something not experienced in many other Maine school districts!

With approximately 550 students and 85 staff members, our school can feel much larger than a student’s elementary experience. We counter that by following a team-based, middle school approach. When students enter sixth grade, they are placed on one of two teams. The team that they are placed on determines the teams that they will be placed on for seventh and eighth grades. While students will have different teachers over the years, their cohort of students will stay together, helping them to transition to this larger school environment. You can read more about our team philosophy, structure, and the placement process in our Parent/Student Handbook linked at the bottom of the student dashboard.

As you explore this website and learn more about our school, I encourage you to reach out with any questions. We are always happy to set up a phone call, a tour, or a meeting. When you see our school in action, it’s easy to see why we can’t hide our Eagle Pride!

I look forward to working with you during these very important years.

Megan Hayes Teague
Principal – Mt. Ararat Middle School